This agreement, between AFM Media LLC (Producer) and ______________________________(MEMBER), dated ____________, details the agreement between the two parties as to the MEMBERS’ Membership terms, rights, condition, benefits and authorized use of NHNM OCS.

1.     The NHNM Offense Coaching System consists of multiple Web Pages produced and operated by AFM Media. Membership to the NHNM OCS is offered to you on your acceptance of the Terms, Conditions and items 1 through 7, contained herein.

2.     Terms, Conditions, Confidentiality: Member warrants that they (themselves personally and their associate members) will maintain strict adherence to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement and will maintain the Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure, of all information they, their program and the associate members*, acquire from and about the NHNM OCS.  The Member may share the benefits of Membership with no more than 5 Program* associate members, who are equally bound, to this Agreement as Member.

3.     The Term of the Membership shall be 12 months. Membership Price $995.00

4.     The NHNM OSC may contain Group Communication Options and Member agrees to engage these options in a professional manner and relative to the specific option. Member agrees they will not take any action that will harm/damage the website or any other users.  

5.     AFM Media LLC may Terminate any Member, at any time, for any reason it believes is in the best interest of the NHNM OCS. In the event, Termination occurs, NHNM OCS liability is limited to refund of Member’s fees on  a prorated basis.

6.     Member Participation: Members participation in Submissions, Exchanges, Group Discussions, Forums and other Communications will be considered contributions and no compensation will be paid for such contributions.

7.     This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Member and AFM Media LLC and is governed by the laws of the State of Florida. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved.


Program Associate Members are considered to be individuals who are specifically identified and designated as Staff Members of the program, represented by The MEMBER, who is the signee of this Agreement and the person responsible for fulfilling the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement. The Program Associate Members are bound by the same terms and conditions and Confidentiality of the signing MEMBER.  Violations by Program Associates are considered violations by MEMBER and subject to termination.

I have Read and Agree to the Terms of Service:


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